Friday, February 13, 2009

Mixed feelings

I was talking to a friend about how stupid emotions were.  They seem to overreact at little things, and then completely ignore the big stuff.  All in all, they're completely unreliable and alternate between ultrasensitivity and absolute unresponsiveness.  So, my hope in Christ is built on more than emotion.  That's why I can be sure each day that He lives.  I don't have to take a poll of my stupid emotions first. 
    So what is my hope in Christ built on?  His answer to my questions.  I know how corrupt I am: Jesus Christ provides healing and forgiveness.  I know how indecisive I am: Jesus Christ gives me purpose and direction.  I know how self-centered I am: Jesus Christ shows me how and helps me to live for others.
     Details about Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection were proclaimed thousands of years before He was born, and each of those prophecies were fulfilled.  Christianity was born in a hostile environment, and yet the Jews and Gentiles of that day could not disprove Christians' claims that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead.  There is archaeological corroboration of passages in Scripture, including the details of Hezekiah's Tunnel, and the ruins of Jericho.  There are no contradictions between the books of the Bible: they are a harmonized unit.  The Gospels were written within the lifetimes of many eyewitnesses, so if Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John had included convenient but false claims, there would have been many people available to fact-check them.  The Scriptures can stand the scrutiny of those evaluating its historicity.  The Gospels contain the tell-tell marks of eyewitnesses.  For example, their accounts often include incidental facts that are not necessary to drive the plot forward, but are commonly recalled by eyewitnesses trying to describe everything they can remember about the events they saw.  The New Testament was rapidly disseminated throughout the Roman Empire as it was written, which did not allow any single Christian sect to distort it by changing Christs' words or acts to agree with their interpretations.  The Scriptures contain no anachronisms.  For example, Jesus' underclothes were described as being woven in one piece.  And weavers had developed the ability to weave cloth in this way just at the time that Jesus lived.  The narrative style in which the Scriptures were written is astonishing, and unique.
     Why are the Scriptures astonishing and unique?  Because they were written by an astonishing and unique God.

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