Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Better Writing

Want some quick advice on writing?  A few weeks ago Celia Elliott from our physics department gave us a talk on how to improve our writing, especially technical writing.  Here's some links she sent to us.  Her presentation was a lot of fun, especially because she used pictures to emphasize her points.  (I really like the groundhog saying "I always use wimpy verbs and complicated syntax; sounds more 'scientific.'")

·         Celia Elliott's presentation: http://physics.illinois.edu/people/Celia/SciWrite.pdf.

·         Celia's technical writing rules: http://online.physics.uiuc.edu/courses/phys496/Spring10/TechnicalWritingRules

·         Source of images of Celia's presentation.  They were almost all purchased ($1 or $2 per image) from www.istockphoto.com.  Celia says that  istock is an excellent source of high-quality, royalty-free images

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