Monday, July 19, 2010

Please demonstrate inclusivity by reinstating Dr. Ken Howell

Dr. Hogan:

As the president of a prestigious public institution, many people on and off campus see you as a figurehead of this university.  Also, anyone who has any knowledge of the University of Illinois knows that we emphasize the term "inclusivity."  As the embodiment of our university, please demonstrate our school's commitment to inclusivity by reinstating Dr. Ken Howell. 

To be inclusive is to see value in others' beliefs -- even the ones we disagree with.  I am not Catholic, and I do not agree with all that would be taught in a course in Catholicism.  But I still see value in giving professors the freedom to accurately describe a system of thought, and in giving students the freedom to learn about that system of thought from someone who knows it intimately.  Dr. Howell gave students that chance in his classes, and during his time here his teaching very highly rated.

Please reinstate him, and demonstrate inclusivity to us students by example.


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